quinta-feira, março 06, 2008

With Borges

Aos 16 anos Alberto Manguel trabalhava numa livraria de Buenos Aires, quando um escritor cego, Jorge Luís Borges, lhe propôs um emprego em part-time como leitor em voz alta. Mais tarde o jovem Manguel tornou-se um aclamado escritor e relatou este encontro, que durou vários anos, em With Borges.
Gostei especialmente das seguintes palavras que subscrevo...
"But to me, those evenings with Borges were (in the arrogance of my adolescence) not really something extraordinary, something not alien to the world of book which I always assumed was mine. If anything, it was most other conversations that seemed to me alien, uninteresting - conversations with my teachers about chemistry and geography of the South Atlantic, with my school mates about soccer, with my relatives about my exam results and my health, with neighbours about other neighbours. Instead my conversations with Borges were what, in my mind, conversations should always be: about books, and about the discovery of writers I had not read before, and about ideas that had not occurred to me, or which I had glimpsed only in a hesitant, half-intuited way that, in Borge's voice, glittered and dazzled in all their rich and somehow obvious splendour."

2 comentários:

redonda disse...

Fiquei curiosa sobre a obra de Alberto Manguel. Não o conhecia, sequer de nome.

Pedro Brandão disse...

Manguel foi um felizardo por ter convivido tão próximamente e longamente com Borges, isso destinou-o a tornar-se escritor.